5 insightful leadership and strategy lessons for career success

Author: Philip Mbwaya, ALUSB Marketing Coordinator

We had the chance to have a panel discussion on Strategy and Leadership with two industry experts:  Jito KayuEMBA, partner at Kukula Capital, and  Emmett Tracy, ALUSB Dean and Professor of Management and Finance. 

Both panellists have vast experience leading teams and organisations and shared 5 insightful pieces of knowledge about how leadership and strategy can contribute to your career success! Read on to discover all of them: 

1. Leadership and strategy go hand in hand
As a leader, it is important to have a holistic approach in your operations, which includes having an effective strategy that you plan to execute.

“There may be leaders without effective strategies and there may be strategy persons without good leadership skills.”- Emmett Tracy

It is important to develop a leadership and strategic mindset to ensure that you achieve your organisational and career goals.

2. Inclusiveness is key

“If you want to execute a sustainable strategy, the organisation has to be part and parcel of the strategy, that involves all employees having an awareness of it.” –  Jito KayuEMBA

Systems thinking is a crucial mindset in implementing a long term strategy. 

All members of the organisation need to therefore have a holistic approach in executing their day to day role and realising how different departments work to achieve the common organisational goal.

If all team members are included and aware, it boosts motivation and makes them feel empowered to take initiative beyond their daily duties.

3. It is important to set milestones

In order to determine whether your strategy is working, you have to set milestones and metrics. 

“You have to set and see the future unfold ahead of your current situation, it can help in planning and assessing your progress.” – Emmett Tracy.

As you execute your business strategy, you have to frequently assess the performance using the set milestones. The milestones should in turn encourage flexibility in case a part of your strategy is not working.

4. Communication is a crucial skill 

“Leadership is a lot about presence, vision and communicating through words or action.” – Emmett Tracy.

Once you have a vision and direction, it’s time to express your ideas to your organisation. Effective communication enables a smooth flow of information throughout the organisation. 

How can you effectively communicate in times of crisis?

“In communicating in times of crisis, it is important to have the confidence to communicate effectively. One way of developing confidence is by having a  strong team around you. The greatest asset you can have as a leader is the kind of people you have in your team.”  – Emmett Tracy.

5. Authenticity is important in shaping your leadership journey

“Nothing is more important than being your authentic self. Your authenticity is attached to your story.” – Jito KayuEMBA

When a person has a great sense of self-awareness and they are able to appreciate their situation, they are able to add more value to an organisation.

Embrace your journey and show up as your true authentic self in order to thrive as a leader!

The Master of Management programme is designed to bridge the gap between employer needs and the skills young professionals and recent graduates have. Are you seeking to accelerate your career and develop your leadership skills and business acumen? Start your application today at: https://bit.ly/MMAPPLY21!


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