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Welcome to the ALUSB blog, where we proudly showcase news, updates and success stories from one of the best business schools on the African continent!
Isabelle Byusa, Director of IDEA for Africa
At the recent EMBA for a Day event, in conjunction with WEF Africa, 2016, Director of IDEA for Africa, Isabelle Byusa, explained why she felt
Clarisse Iribagiza, CEO of HeHe Labs
At the recent EMBA for a Day event in conjunction with WEF Africa 2016, CEO of Hehe Labs, Clarisse Iribagiza, expressed her enthusiasm to sign
Isaac Fokuo, VP of the African Leadership Group
At the recent ALU School of Business EMBA for a Day event in conjunction with WEF Africa 2016, VP of the African Leadership Group, Isaac
Is this the African Century? I’m betting my career on it.
Long ago I bet on Africa. Now I’m all in. Let me tell you why. I spent nearly a decade as a professor at Harvard